Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Apple of Scorn

I lay on ma back watching the crimson of the West bleed slowly into the grey sky. Like the harbinger of impending doom, a big brown bat circled unhastily about. A distant thunder boomed, taking my mind back through generations to my Neanderthal forefather, lying flat, just as I lay now on my terrace,atop that favorite giant rock of his, bat-gazing too perhaps, and wondering what the rumbling in the skies is all about
Then I thought about the possibilities of him not ever being atop that big rock at all. What if the creator did create man in his own image and all those fossils found in the rocks are nothing but the discarded doodles from his sketchbook? After all, no artist, no matter how successful he would later become, would ever have gotten his self-portrait right in his very first attempt. What if all the knowledge that man ever really needed did come packed in an apple-sized fruit-of-wisdom?
If He did create everything out of whim over the span of a week, and then topped it with a self-portrait, why then did He place the tree of wisdom right at the center of Eden, and that too with a "Do not touch" board, when he could have verywell planted it somewhere inaccessible? Isn't that like placing cookies in a glass jar in front of a 6 year old boy and asking him to keep away from it? Did He, in the back of His mind, want the apple incident to happen eventually? Or was He over-confident enough to believe that his orders would never be questioned?
Well, ..don't get me wrong. I am not here to question Him or His ways. I'm merely sharing a thought that crossed my mind. After all, I thrive upon mysteries for a living and my intention is only to keep my readers entertained

P.S: Photo taken by Rosh from the very same terrace at about the very same time these thoughts crossed my mind


Ratzzz said...

Love the idea of God doing a sketch of himself... and d analogy btw cookie jar and tree of wisdom, mmm Kish are u sure u don't want to start writing immediately???

Great one Kish... and hey Rosh, i can do with some inspiration too... whip up something for me, plz??

Anonymous said...

I should digg your article so more folks are able to look at it, very useful, I had a tough time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Joe

Kish said...

Thank you, Joe! And what results exactly did you find?