Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Confused Moment

And then there’s that moment. You know the one I’m talking about; when all that prevails is utter confusion.  You try so hard to be the person you’ve practiced to be in front of the mirror, but you know something’s wrong, and what’s most annoying is that you can’t quite put your finger on what it is that you aren’t doing right.  You’re still trying so hard to figure it out when all you should be doing is smiling back. But you just can’t, … because her smile caught you off guard. She wasn’t supposed to smile! She was supposed to just look away when your eyes met! Is it the squint that you’ve been practicing that you think makes you look like Clint Eastwood? Nah! That’s not it. If you squint any more you won’t be able to see anything. Is it that slick thing with the zippo that you taught yourself to do? … Never mind! Now the moment has passed! …Sigh!

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